Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Women and girls of BCC: thank you for dressing modestly

It’s finally beginning to look like summer, and temperatures are rising.  This is going to be good for the tomatoes and strawberries in my garden. But it is also going to present challenges as hot weather tempts females to wear less clothing. 
This is a problem for a number of reasons, but for the women and girls of Bear Creek Church, I’m mostly concerned about two things.  Let me share them with you here.  Before I do, let me say that I hope you will trust me when I say that this comes from a loving shepherd’s heart for the protection of the flock, and not from a frustrated spoilsport’s zeal to make sure no one has any fun.
First, I am thankful that you women dress modestly because it helps to preserve your real beauty, which comes from a godly, gentle and quiet spirit and not the exposure of much flesh (modesty starts in the heart, not with skirt length - I Peter 3:4).   As with the women of my own family, I want others to see and know and appreciate you for the very precious and feminine disciples that you are, and not to think something else because of the manner in which you are attired. Similarly, if you younger or single gals are wanting to marry (and I hope you are), remember that dressing immodestly will more likely attract a guy who will be interested in you for reasons that are not typically the foundation of a lasting, loving marriage.
Second, because I myself am a man and a sinner and because I have raised sons and because I have had the privilege of spending my entire professional life with other men who are also sinners though great guys, I know what a huge help it is to us when you dress modestly.  If you really love Jesus, you’ll love his people, and that includes us guys and so you’ll dress modestly so as not to present a stumbling block to your brothers who are trying mightily to think about whatsoever things are pure and not lustful (Philippians 4:8), and to other unsaved men who don’t need any more temptation either.  So I’ll keep exhorting us guys to mind our hearts, and we’ll be grateful if you’ll help us out.
If you need help defining modesty, there are a number of great Christian resources on the web.  I’ve noted a couple at the bottom of this page.   But here’s another tip: if you younger gals aren’t sure what qualifies as modest or immodest and your own Mom is not available or on another wavelength or just exceedingly naive, talk to a mature Christian mom of sons.  The more sons she has raised beyond 8 or 10 or 12 years of age, the better qualified she’ll be to help you discern what is helpful to others (Hebrews 10:24).  And since she’s a woman herself, she’ll be sympathetic to the challenge and able to gently encourage you along.
Again, thank you for dressing modestly.  I don’t write because I’ve noticed any particular problem at BCC; to the contrary you gals are quite conscientious. It just seems like the right time of year for a gentle and respectful reminder of what you can do to reflect a heart for the Lord in your manner of dress.
-Pastor Dale

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